LAS News

Nanno Marinatos featured in Huffington Post blog post

A Huffington Post arts and culture blog post on endangered Greek museums and archaeology services includes comments from Nanno Marinatos, Professor and Head of Classics and Mediterranean Studies. The full article by Evaggelos Vallianatos can…


Nanno Marinatos to speak at NYU

Nanno Marinatos, Professor and Head of the Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies will speak at New York University as a part of their Seminar on Greek and Roman Art and Architecture.


Three School Faculty Members Honored with TRP Awards

Maja Grgurovic (Linguistics), Duosi Meng (Chinese), and Karen Ros (Classics and Mediterranean Studies) have been selected to receive a 2015-2016 Teaching Recognition Program (TRP) award. Multiple variables were considered, including candidate statements, student feedback, peer reviews,…