Integrated Health Studies or Biology? How this student made the choice.

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Name: Emmanuel
Major: Integrated Health Studies (Health & Science Concentration) Year in School: Second (Sophomore)
Why did you choose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?
UIC came across my radar because I wanted to attend a college in the city. I grew up in the suburbs but I always admired the city of Chicago. After applying, I was awarded a scholarship which allowed this school to be an affordable option. So this school wasn’t only in the city but also made the most sense financially. I also knew that I would be getting a good education as well.
How did you choose your major?
I started as a Biology major, but I wanted to be able to take a diverse variety of courses, so Integrated Health Studies became a better fit. Through this major, I knew I could take classes in the life sciences, social sciences, applied health, etc. Being an Integrated Health Studies major prepares me for my future career choices with the diverse education it offers.
What has been your favorite class or professor so far?
A favorite class of mine has been AHS 375, where I have been learning all about what ethics looks like in medicine. This course provides a background in the ethics that shape healthcare. This class is preparing me to be a great future healthcare professional.
What is a project you are currently working on? Or is there an internship you have participated in or one you have applied to during your time at UIC?
So far at UIC, I was honored to participate in a summer research opportunity. I participated in the UI Health Department of Pediatrics Summer Scholars Program. In this program, I was able to learn about forms of research and study the use of individualized pain plans.
What resources have you connected with and found useful on campus? MSLC, advisors, etc.
A resource that I have found useful at UIC is the MSLC (Math, Science, and Learning Center) where I received help on difficult concepts. In my first year at UIC, I spent a lot of time in the MSLC practicing chemistry, asking questions, meeting with classmates, etc.
Are you a part of any clubs or groups on campus, and how has that impacted your experience as a student?
I am a part of the DuSable Scholars Program which is designed to support Black students in STEM. This program helps me understand my identity in STEM, and also understand that I can be myself in the STEM field. Through this program, I have been exposed to research, and have met some great individuals!
If you could give your freshman year self one piece of advice, what would it be?
If I could give my freshman-year self one piece of advice, it would be to understand that your journey will look different from everyone else and to embrace it all. College is a place to learn, and no student is perfect. You’ll struggle at times, but you’ll also find a way through difficult times. You’ll also achieve some huge goals, and embrace those moments!