Pursuing a degree that provides a holistic approach to patient care | Biological Sciences Student


Name: Nur

Major: Biological Sciences—Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Biology Concentration, Psychology

Year in School: 3rd year, Junior

Why did you choose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?

I chose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences due to the abundant research opportunities they have to offer. I’m currently involved in three different research projects which has allowed me to collaborate with other faculty members and students to help improve and promote the evolution of healthcare.

How did you choose your major?

I chose to pursue a double degree in Biological Sciences (Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Biology Concentration) and Psychology because as someone who has aspirations of being a dentist in the future, I thought both fields would provide me with a holistic approach to patient care in the future. Majoring in these fields offer a comprehensive foundation unlike other majors in my opinion, which I hope to apply to my future endeavors. I’ve been able to understand medicine and healthcare with a holistic approach, which I think is beneficial to someone pursuing a career in dentistry.

What has been your favorite class or professor so far?

My favorite class so far has been KN 251 Human Physiological Anatomy with Dr. Kanan! I found it fascinating learning about the different intricacies of the human body and specifically found the laboratory portion of the class extremely engaging. I loved challenging my attention to detail when trying to understand the complex spatial relationships and appreciated the hands-on learning in the cadaver lab.

What is a project you are currently working on? Or is there an internship you have participated in or one you have applied to during your time at UIC?

I am currently an undergraduate research assistant at the UIC College of Dentistry at the Wietecha Lab, where the parallels between wound healing and cancer formation are investigated using R, a programming language used for data visualization.

What resources have you connected with and found useful on campus? MSLC, advisors, etc.

I found the Math and Science Learning Center most helpful to my academic success. While taking Organic Chemistry, I often supplemented my studying by attending study groups held by peer leaders. I was able to gain access to more resources and truly can’t thank them enough!

Are you a part of any clubs or groups on campus, and how has that impacted your experience as a student?

Being an active member of the LAS Dean’s Student Advisory Board has impacted my experience tremendously by allowing me to collaborate with peers to advocate for change on the behalf of the student body. By working alongside Dean Freeman, I’ve been able to gain a better understanding of decision-making at the institutional level in order to work on initiatives to improve student life and enhance students’ personal and professional development within the UIC Community.

What are your aspirations after graduation? What are you looking to do after graduation?

I have aspirations of being a dentist and look forward to attending dental school after graduation!

If you could give your freshman year self one piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could give advice to others I would say don’t be afraid to explore diverse academic paths and take classes outside of your major. I also believe that if you’re truly passionate about multiple fields, pursue a dual degree and don’t limit yourself to one path.