Chicago as a hub of opportunity and learning | Why this student chose UIC and LAS


Name: Puranjay

Major: Biochemistry

Minor: Public Health

Year in School: 2nd year

Why did you choose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?

Growing up in Illinois, I always considered Chicago a hub of opportunity and learning. As I considered my undergraduate options, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences was an easy decision for me. With its history as a premier research institution and its incredible professors, I have ample opportunity to learn from the best and pursue meaningful activities. Furthermore, being in the heart of Chicago, UIC offers plenty of job opportunities and internships, which, coupled with its broad alumni network, opens unique possibilities that allow me to make a real impact.

How did you choose your major?

As an aspiring physician, I sought a major that could best inform a career in the health sciences – biochemistry. Within biochemistry, I have learned about DNA and concepts that are fundamental to medicine.

What is a project you are currently working on? Or is there an internship you have participated in or one you have applied to during your time at UIC?

Currently, I am investigating toxicity from metal implants in the human body in the Regenerative Medicine and Disability Research Lab. As the population ages, these devices pose an increasing risk of heavy metal poisoning, and preventative measures must be studied. Recently, I used a microfluidics model to investigate cell cultures in human in vivo conditions. I have also worked with novel stem cell models that are at the forefront of biomedical innovation. UIC offers so much in research, and its unique position as a large public research institution affords an incredible number of opportunities to make an impact in the world even at the undergraduate level.

What resources have you connected with and found useful on campus? MSLC, advisors, etc.

UIC has been incredibly supportive of its research opportunities. The UIC LASURI program funded my research projects, and the Honors College paid for my travels to several research conferences. Furthermore, UIC has incredible research advisors, all of whom work in unison to ensure the best support for its students.

Are you a part of any clubs or groups on campus, and how has that impacted your experience as a student?

I am part of several clubs on campus. As a student representative in the UIC LAS Student Advisory Board, I work directly with the Dean to bring student body issues directly to the forefront of administrators. Furthermore, I am part of the UIC National Alzheimers Buddies, where I interact directly with patients with Alzheimer’s and can help fight their conditions.

What are your aspirations after graduation? What are you looking to do after graduation?

Post-graduation, I plan to pursue a career in medicine through medical school. Specifically, I plan to attend the illustrious UIC College of Medicine, where nearly 1 in 7 physicians in Illinois originate.